
Empowered Viewabo with a bold brand and website to showcase their innovative visual support platform.
Internet, Software, Technology
Branding, Website, Content
Viewabo is a game-changing software solution revolutionizing customer support. Their platform enables customer service representatives to see through their customers' smartphone cameras in real-time, simplifying issue resolution and enhancing customer satisfaction. By eliminating the need for lengthy explanations and misunderstandings, Viewabo empowers businesses to provide efficient, effective support.
Viewabo, while offering an innovative solution, sought to refine its brand identity and digital presence to better resonate with potential customers and communicate the unique value proposition of their product. They needed a compelling brand narrative and a visually engaging website that effectively showcased their platform's features and benefits.
Level™ partnered with Viewabo to develop a comprehensive brand strategy and overhaul their digital presence, crafting a bold, modern visual identity that reflected the platform's cutting-edge technology and intuitive user experience. We created custom illustrations and graphic elements to visually communicate the simplicity and effectiveness of Viewabo's solution. The redesigned website highlights Viewabo's key features and benefits, using clear messaging and interactive elements to demonstrate the platform's capabilities, and effectively showcasing the transformative power of visual support for improved customer satisfaction, streamlined troubleshooting, and business growth.