Radio Free Asia (RFA)

Revitalized Radio Free Asia's brand identity, empowering their mission of promoting democratic values and human rights in Asia.
Radio Free Asia (RFA)
Radio, Media, Non-Profit
Branding, Content
Established in 1996, Radio Free Asia (RFA) is a non-profit news organization dedicated to providing accurate and unbiased reporting to countries with limited press freedom. With a legacy rooted in promoting democratic values and human rights, RFA broadcasts in nine languages across Asia, offering a vital platform for voices often silenced by censorship. However, despite their critical mission and rich history, RFA's brand identity had become outdated, failing to resonate with modern audiences and new media platforms.
RFA's visual identity lacked cohesion, and their messaging didn't fully convey the urgency and importance of their work. In a landscape of evolving media consumption, RFA needed to refresh their brand to maintain relevance and reach new audiences. Their outdated image hindered their ability to connect with younger demographics and leverage digital platforms effectively.
Level™ partnered with RFA to reinvigorate their brand identity and strengthen their impact. We immersed ourselves in RFA's mission, values, and target audiences, conducting extensive research to understand the unique challenges and opportunities facing a media organization dedicated to freedom of information. This research informed a brand strategy that emphasized RFA's unwavering commitment to truth, transparency, and empowerment. We then crafted a bold, modern visual identity that reflected RFA's fearless reporting and dedication to democratic values. The new logo, color palette, and typography exude trust, authority, and a sense of urgency, while remaining adaptable across diverse cultures and platforms. We also developed a comprehensive suite of rebranding materials, including website templates, social media assets, and print collateral, that aligned with RFA's refreshed identity and empowered their outreach efforts.