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7 B2B Website Tips To Ditch The Corporate Clichés

Who says B2B stands for boring-to-boring? These 7 tips will help you create a B2B website that actually engages your audience.
October 21, 2024
Read Time
10 Minutes

B2B doesn't have to mean boring-to-boring. In fact, in the competitive B2B landscape, being different might be your brand’s biggest advantage. Behind every company logo, there are real people with real lives. People who laugh at commercials, watch the Super Bowl, and unwind with their favorite shows after a long day. Even when you're dealing with complex products or services selling to other businesses, you're still connecting with those same people.

They crave authenticity, a good story, and a sense that you understand their world. Your website is your chance to lift the corporate mask and show them who you really are, while, of course, keeping it professional. These 7 tips will help you break free from the overplayed corporate narratives and build a B2B website experience that's engaging, relatable, and refreshingly human.

1. Show, Don't Just Tell (Your Achievements)

Yes, case studies are important, and testimonials provide valuable social proof. However, traditional formats can sometimes feel a bit predictable and may not capture the full essence of your brand's impact. To engage your audience and make a memorable impression, you can explore more innovative approaches to talk about your successes. Here are some creative ideas to shake things up a bit:

  • Mini-Documentaries: Instead of a written case study, why not create a short, engaging video that tells the story of how your product or service helped a client overcome a challenge? Uber Eats mini-documentary series is a good example of a company creatively highlighting their business partnerships.
  • Unexpected Testimonials: Go beyond the standard written testimonial. Feature client quotes in unexpected places on your website, like within your blog posts or even on your 404 page.
  • Data Storytelling: To spice up a dry statistics, weave the key numbers into a compelling narrative that showcases the real impact of your work.

2. Ditch the Corporate Jargon, Embrace Clarity

It's easy to fall into the trap of industry jargon, especially when you're passionate about what you do. We get excited about the technical details, the innovative features, and the complex solutions we offer. Overloading your website visitors with technical terms and complex concepts can get confusing and ultimately drive them away. Instead, strive for clarity and simplicity in your messaging.

  • Plain Language: Write in a way that's easy to understand, even for someone outside your industry. Avoid overly complex sentence structures, technical terminology, and convoluted explanations. Imagine you're explaining your product or service to your friend who knows nothing about your field. How would you describe it?
  • Define Key Terms: If you must use technical terms, provide clear definitions or explanations. It’s best not to assume your audience has the same level of knowledge as you do. Consider adding a glossary of terms or providing in-line definitions to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Instead of listing a bunch of technical specs, explain how your product or service will actually help your clients. People are more interested in what your product can do for them, not the intricate details of how it works.
Need Help Finding Your Brand Story?
Donald Miller's StoryBrand framework consists of seven key elements that outline how to create a clear and engaging narrative. It encourages brands to understand their customers' needs, desires, and pain points, allowing them to tailor their messaging accordingly.

Make Your Content Visual
Infographics, charts, and even short animated explainers can bring your data to life and make it more digestible for your audience. Number of B2B companies have featured these more creative explainers to bring their products closer to the audience.

Keep it Human
Remember, even in B2B, you're selling to people. Let your personality shine through and connect with your audience on an emotional level. Volvo Trucks' epic split commercial featuring Jean-Claude Van Damme is a masterclass in showcasing technical precision with a healthy dose of humor and unexpected artistry.
Your website isn't just a digital brochure; it's a platform to showcase your expertise and build relationships with real people.

3. Show Faces Behind Your B2B Brand

Letting your website visitors ‘peek’ behind-the-scenes conveys a friendly, approachable image. Highlighting your team and their work will help you add that personal touch, making your business more relatable. Here’s some inspiration for weaving in some company culture into your site’s team page:

  • Team Page with a Twist: Instead of the standard corporate headshots, try something more fun and engaging, like team member videos or "a day in the life" features. Companies like Buffer, for example, have created an in-depth team page that shows their multinational team in a way that feels authentic and engaging.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Give your audience a glimpse into your company culture with blog posts, social media updates, or even a company vlog. Share photos of your team events, or even just a typical day at the office.
  • Embrace Humor: Sometimes it’s a good idea to inject some humor into your website copy, and other marketing materials as long as it is tasteful and makes sense for your brand, or audience. Take a cue from Slack, whose quirky and unexpected application video demonstrates how humor can be used effectively in B2B marketing.

4. Make Your B2B Site Interactive

B2B websites don’t have to be static and one-dimensional. Interactive elements can transform your website from a passive information source into an engaging experience. By encouraging active participation, with on-brand content, you can create a more memorable and impactful impression on your visitors.

  • Quizzes and Assessments: Help your audience identify their needs and guide them towards the right solutions with interactive quizzes or assessments. This could be anything from a simple personality quiz to a more in-depth needs assessment. For a great example of this in action, check out Hubspot's free tool for building your buyer persona.
  • Calculators and Tools: Provide valuable resources that help your audience solve problems, clarify their needs, or make informed decisions. For example, if you offer financial services, you could provide a loan calculator or a retirement planning tool.
  • Interactive Maps and Data Visualizations: Present complex information in a visually engaging and easy-to-understand format. This makes complex data more digestible and memorable for your audience.

5. Optimize Your Website for Mobile

More and more people are using their phones to browse the web, research products, and make shopping decisions. If your website isn't optimized for these smaller screens, you risk frustrating your audience and losing valuable business opportunities.

  • Responsive Design: Make sure your company website adapts to different screen sizes and orientations, so your content looks great and functions flawlessly on any device. This means elements should resize and rearrange themselves dynamically, ensuring readability and ease of navigation. We can’t stress enough how important this is.
  • Fast Loading Speed: Optimize your website for speed to prevent users from bouncing. Mobile users are notoriously impatient, and they won't hesitate to abandon a slow-loading website. Compress images, leverage browser caching, and minimize HTTP requests to ensure a snappy user experience.
  • Mobile-Friendly Navigation: Simplify your navigation for easy browsing on smaller screens. Avoid cluttered menus and complex navigation structures that can be difficult to navigate on a touchscreen device.
The Hemingway App
This handy tool can help you identify complex sentences and suggest simpler alternatives to ensure your writing is readable for a wider audience.

Flesch–Kincaid Readability Test
Another resource that helps you assess a reading level of your written copy is Flesch-Kincaid readability test. This readability formula evaluates the estimated reading grade level of a text by analyzing the average sentence length and the complexity of the words used.

Let Your Clients Do the Talking
Feature client testimonials throughout your website, not just on a dedicated page. Sprinkle them in strategic locations like your homepage, service pages, and even your contact page
Don't be afraid to break the mold and inject some personality into your B2B website.

6. Content that Provides Real Value

You might have heard that content marketing is a powerful tool for attracting and warming up your target audience. This is especially true for B2B companies with longer sales cycles that rely on mutual trust. Your website is a resource center, a hub of knowledge that your audience can rely on to solve their problems and achieve their goals.

  • In-Depth Guides and Resources: Offer comprehensive guides, ebooks, or white papers that go deep into specific topics. These long-form resources allow you to explore complex subjects in detail, providing your audience with valuable information they can't find anywhere else.
  • Actionable Blog Posts: Share practical tips, strategies, and insights that your audience can implement immediately. Show your audience what to do with clear examples, step-by-step instructions, and real-world case studies.
  • Original Research and Data: Conduct original research or analyze industry data to provide unique and valuable insights. This could involve surveying your customers, analyzing market trends, or conducting experiments to test different approaches. Ultimately, you want to position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

7. Embrace Continuous Improvement

Your B2B website is a dynamic platform that evolves and adapts over time. To ensure your website remains effective, you need to embrace a mindset of continuous improvement, always seeking ways to optimize its performance and tailor the user experience to your audience.

  • Website Analytics: Track key metrics like website traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rates to identify areas for improvement. Tools like Google Analytics, Semrush, or Ahrefs are an absolutely essential arsenal of a B2B marketer. They provide a wealth of data about your website visitors, including their demographics, behavior, and interests.
  • A/B Testing: Learn what's working for you and what's not. This could involve testing comparing different headlines, calls to action, or page layouts over a specific time span.
  • User Feedback: If you want to go really deep, you can gather feedback from your website visitors to understand their needs and preferences. This could involve conducting user surveys, running focus groups, or simply providing a feedback form on your website.
Use a Grammar Checker
Using a grammar checker is a great way to improve your writing. Tools like Grammarly can catch those pesky typos and grammatical errors that might go unnoticed. They also offer suggestions to enhance clarity and style, making your writing more polished.

Need a Tone of Voice Refresh?
Praised by many marketers, Mailchimp's Content Style Guide is a good resource for crafting a consistent and engaging tone of voice for your B2B brand. This guide emphasizes clarity, friendliness, and a relatable style that can resonate with a wide range of audiences, or brands.

Use Your Website To Build Community
Provide opportunities for your audience to connect and engage. This can be through valuable resources and experiences, such as webinars or online Q&A sessions, where your audience can interact with your team in real-time.

Wrap Up

A Your B2B website can be more than just a collection of pages and general information about what your company does. With the right brand strategy in place, your website has a powerful potential to connect with your audience, showcase your team and expertise while building trust, and driving business growth. Embracing a more human, engaging approach, and letting in some creative ideas will help you build a website experience that truly stands out from the crowd. Ready to break the mold and build a B2B website that actually connects with your audience? Let's talk!

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